3. november 2021 - Develop

Private data policy

If you wish to do business with J. B. Olsen A/S we need the following information:
Name, address, phone number and e-mail address.

In order to deliver your purchase order your private data will be registrered and handed over.

Personoplysningerne registreres hos JBO A/S og opbevares i fem år, hvorefter oplysningerne slettes.

Furthermore we are cooperating with other companies, whom are storing and processing the data. The companies are solely handling the data on our behalf and are not allowed to use them for their own purposes. We only cooperate with data handlers in the EU or in other countries that are able to protect the data sufficiently.

You have the right to be informed on what parts of your privacy data we are processing. If the privacy data is incorrect, you have the right to get it corrected. On your request, we are in some cases obligated to delete your privacy data. That could be if your privacy data no longer are necessary for the original purpose. If you believe that your privacy data are not threated as stated in the law, you are welcome to contact us. You can do that by writing us an e-mail on info@jbo.dk.
