3. november 2021 - Develop


General Data Protection Regulation fra den 25. maj 2018 vil hele Europa have en ny fælles lov om behandling af persondata. Formålet med loven er at styrke beskyttelsen af enkeltpersoners personlige oplysninger. Som bruger af forhandler login på JBO webside jbo.dk har du givet os dine persondata. Du kan til enhver tid kan bede om sletning af dine persondata i vores database. Det kan ske ved at skrive til os på info@jbo.dk.

Registration in our database as well as purchase orders given through our website means the your name, address, phone number and e-mail address will be saved. In relation to this we are cooperating with other companies, whom are storing and processing the data. The companies are solely handling the data on our behalf and are not allowed to use them for their own purposes. We only cooperate with data handlers in the EU or in other countries that are able to protect the data sufficiently. You can read more about our data privacy policy on the tab "DATA PRIVACY POLICY".
